Item Code: MBHYD32B
General purpose hydraulic fluids formulated with refined paraffinic base oils to provide excellent anti-wear protection, oxidation and corrosion inhibition, as well as foam and aeration suppression. All grades have excellent demulsibility characteristics. Hydraulic systems, due to the nature of their operation, experience accelerated wear unless they are protected by clean, high quality anti-wear hydraulic oils. Surging pressures in pumps and valves can increase metal-to-metal contact unless anti-wear protection is present. The anti-wear additives create a protective film on the metal surfaces. This protective film minimizes metal-to-metal contact, which is mot sever in vane-and gear-type pumps. As hydraulic pressures increase, the need for anti-wear protection increases proportionally.
Specifically formulated to suppress foaming while also allowing rapid air release, improving hydraulic system performance and helping to prevent pump cavitation. Oxidation inhibitors provide control of sludge and varnish deposits, and increase service life. It is suitable for use where service requirements are light to moderate, and heavy-duty wear or long-term service is not critical, and is available in viscosity grades ISO VG22 to ISO VG100. When used in the proper grade, it will provide excellent service in hydraulic systems and air compressors, industrial bearings, hoists and machine tools, and circulating, splash, bath and ring lube systems for bearings and gears.
Sales Units of Measure: BULK