Item Code: LU10003
For gasoline, diesel fuel and LPG. It contains no alcohol, solvents, kerosene, diesel fuel or anything else that would be useless or harmful to engines. Low sulphur diesel fuel and reformulated gasolines have had the polymers removed from them, not because the polymers were harmful but because they were attached to the aromatics (fumes) in the fuels. In their zest to rid our air of gasoline and diesel fumes, our government has stripped our fuel of its main lubricants and, in the process, a great deal of its power. Lucas Fuel Treatment replaces those polymers with a concentrate that makes the fuel slicker and more powerful than it was originally. In fact, the user usually picks up more than enough fuel mileage to pay for the fuel treatment itself.
Lucas Fuel Treatment lubricates rings and cylinder walls for longer life. It causes more combustion for more power and higher fuel mileage with FEWER EMISSIONS. Lucas Fuel Treatment cleans and lubricates valves, pumps, carburetors, injectors and compression rings. It is an absolute must for rotary pumps! Lucas Fuel Treatment safely replaces the need for lead in older engines. Lucas Fuel Treatment is an excellent diesel tune up! Before going to the shop with an engine that is smoking or low on power, we suggest that you try adding about a half gallon of our treatment to each 100 gallons of fuel. This is often all it needs! 5.25 oz/155 mL treats one tank or up to 20 gallons of gasoline or diesel. 32 oz (1 quart)/946 mL treats 100 gallons gasoline or diesel. 128 oz (1 gallon)/3785 mL treats 400 gallons gasoline or diesel.
Routing No: 10003 Sales Units of Measure: Q